2018 Newsletters

January 2018

Surgical Mesh: a health crisis
Consent, Culture and the Consumer Experience: the 2017 HDC Conference
Changes Afoot
Resignation of Chai Chuah, Director General of Health
The New Ministerial Advisory Group
Who Has Political Oversight of Our Health System?
Lester Levy Resigns as Chair of Metro DHBs
Mental Health Inquiry

February-March 2018

Farewell Jo, loved friend and colleague

A Tribute to Jo Fitzpatrick
Essure – Another Women’s Health Disaster
The HDC Annual Report
A Health System in Crisis
The Midwifery Crisis
The Performance Improvement Framework (PIF) Review of the Ministry of Health
Acting Chairs Appointed to the Metro DHBs
April 2018

David Clark Appoints New DHB Chairs
Nurses and Midwives
Changes to the Cervical Screening Register

Abortion Supervisory Committee Report 2017
Essure Update
Māori and Pasifika Disparities in Breast Cancer
May-June 2018

Dr Ashley Bloomfield – Director General of Health

Delays in Changes to the NCSP
Cervical Cancer in New Zealand
Abortion Law Reform  
Research Improving Outcomes for New-borns and their Mums
Update on Changes to Cervical Screening Register
October 2018

Charlotte Korte: a Woman of Influence

Choosing Wisely
Research Ethics, Medical Injury and Pharmaceutical Companies
Celebrating Thirty Years
Herstory – the founding of the Auckland Women’s Health Council
Apology for Mesh?
Long Awaited Apology for “Unfortunate Experiment”
December 2018

Perinatal and Maternal Mortality

Racial Disparities in Perinatal Deaths
More on Mesh
Abortion Law Reform
The Global Caesarean ‘Epidemic’