2013 Newsletters

February 2013
  • HDC Annual report: what’s happened to our watchdog?
  • “Give us Soliris” – lobbying for the world’s most expensive drug
  • Abortion numbers declining – ASC’s 2011 Report
March 2013
  • The new ethics committees
  • NZ patients automatically enrolled in research
  • Perinatal hysterectomy rates in NZ AWHC AGM – 11 April 2013
April 2013
  • The AllTrials campaign Ben Goldacre in Auckland
  • A Sequel to the story of Henrietta Lacks and her cells
  • Prevalence of HPV types pre-Gardasil
May 2013
  • The Breast Cancer Genes
  • PHARMAC consults on its decision not to buy world’s most expensive drug
  • Attempt to stop the SOLD trial in New Zealand
  • Postnatal Distress Support Network courses
June 2013
  • Perinatal & Maternal Mortality in 2011
  • Taking back our breast cancer genes
  • A Mother and Baby Unit for Auckland
  • Breast implants and late diagnosis of breast cancer
July 2013
  • Informed consent in the age of targets
  • NZ women join lawsuit against mesh “Too much medicine; too little care”
  • The Legacy of Cartwright conference – 27 September 2013
August 2013
  • Herceptin – shorter beats longer
  • National Women’s Annual Clinical Report for 2012
  • The Legacy of Cartwright conference – 27 September 2013 HIV/AIDS report for 2012
  • Researchers now accessing Guthrie cards without consent
September 2013
  • Disciplinary Notes to go on Medical Council website
  • The brave new world of NIPT
  • The Legacy of Cartwright conference – 27 September 2013
  • Attending the first international Preventing Overdiagnosis conference
  • Update on Auckland’s Mother and Baby Unit
October 2013
  • Essure: Another horrendous contraceptive device
  • Spring courses at the Waitakere Women’s Centre
  • Preventing Overdiagnosis 2014 conference
  • Overdiagnosing and overtreating hypertension
November 2013
  • Women’s health service still controversial – whose choice counts?
  • Update on Essure
  • “Deadly Medicines and Organised Crime” by Peter Gotzsche
  • PND Fundraising lunch with Dame Jenny Shipley
December 2013
  • Forced caesarean sections for mentally unwell women
  • Johnson & Johnson pay $2.2 billion in drug marketing settlement
  • Choosing Wisely
  • DHB Maternity Quality & Safety reports